Visions of Friendship
I have visions of Angels and their sweet faces
They are on street corners, in dreams, in visits, many places,
I feel the love that glows from their voice and words,
Like you see with the soaring of a beautiful bird
I can tell by one word, or act of kindness they give to me,
That they are showing how they care,
and it doesn't cost, it's all free,
they pour it from their hearts it comes naturally

A kind gesture, a good deed is all that it takes
It makes everything right, corrects all the mistakes,
It's forgiving, caring, loving, and kind,
It's the spirit, a peaceful place, a state of mind.
Friendship means more then a treasure box can hold,
It shines much brighter then any silver or gold,

It's a gift from God, a precious thing you embrace,
It's a true friend and nothing else can ever take it's place.
I have many visions in my mind when I see the word Friendship
But the vision that remains is truth, love and trust,
And when you give it from your heart It is time well spent
Poem by Sharon/AngelHeart©2006
Used With Permission
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"Friendship comes from
His love is to great to conceive,
Can't explain it,
You just have to trust and believe!"