How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and
and height my soul can reach.
~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Ever has it been that love knows
not its own depth
until the hour of separation.
~ Kahlil Gibran

Friendship is the
inexpressible comfort
of feeling safe with
a person,
having neither to
weigh thoughts
nor measure
Copyright - George Eliot

Every heart has a doorway to love,
Don't keep it locked.
Copyright - Dark Blue Knight

The warmth of love,
Will always over-ride the coldness of hatred.
Copyright - Dark Blue Knight

Friendship is the
golden thread
that ties the heart
of all the world.
Copyright - John Evelyn

Never confuse love and lust,
One is a deep emotion,
The other a fleeting thought.
Copyright - Dark Blue Knight

Cherish always what you have,
Anything extra is just a bonus.
Copyright - Dark Blue Knight

Love is an emotion,
Not just a word.
Copyright - Dark Blue Knight

true friend walks in
when the world walks out.

Passion: there
are many things in life
that will catch
your eye,
but only a few
will catch your heart...
pursue those.
